When designing characters, I’m always at a lose with words to describe my characters. So I’ve compiled a list of descriptive character adjectives that could better help describe the personality and character traits.
(In alphabetical order)
- Able
- Abundant
- Accepting
- Accomodating
- Active
- Adequate
- Adventurous
- Affectionate
- Aggressive
- Amazing
- Ambitious
- Amicable
- Amusing
- Annoying
- Antagonistic
- Anxious
- Apathetic
- Aquatic
- Arrogant
- Articulate
- Artistic
- Athletic
- Attentive
- Authoritative
- Awesome
- Awkward
- Barren
- Belligerent
- Benevolent
- Blase
- Boastful
- Bold
- Boorish
- Bountiful
- Bossy
- Brave
- Bright
- Brilliant
- Busy
- Calm
- Careful
- Careless
- Caring
- Cautious
- Celestial
- Charming
- Cheat
- Cheerful
- Civil
- Clean
- Clever
- Clumsy
- Cold
- Compassionate
- Competitive
- Complex
- Compulsive
- Conceited
- Confident
- Conflicted
- Congenial
- Conscientious
- Conservative
- Considerate
- Conspicuous
- Content
- Cooperative
- Cordial
- Courageous
- Coureous
- Covetous
- Creative
- Critical
- Crucial
- Crude
- Curious
- Cynical
- Dainty
- Daring
- Dark
- Decent
- Defensive
- Defiant
- Dejected
- Demanding
- Demeaning
- Dependable
- Depressed
- Destructive
- Determined
- Devious
- Devout / Devoted
- Distatorial
- Diligent
- Diplomatic
- Disagreeable
- Discreet
- Disgruntled
- Dishonest
- Disposable
- Disrespectful
- Distracted
- Disturbed
- Docile
- Dreamer
- Dynamic
- Eager
- Earnest
- Earthy
- Efficient
- Egotistical
- Electrifying
- Elitist
- Embarrassed
- Empathetic
- Energetic
- Enigmatic
- Enthusiastic
- Esteemed
- Ethical
- Euphoric
- Excited
- Exlusive
- Expectant
- Expert
- Explosive
- Exquisite
- Extravagant
- Extrovert
- Exuberant
- Fair
- Faithful
- Famous
- Fancy
- Ferocious
- Fertile
- Fervent
- Fierve
- Fighter
- Flexible
- Focused
- Forgiving
- Frail
- Free
- Friendly
- Frustrated
- Fun-loving
- Funny
- Generous
- Gentle
- Genuine
- Gifted
- Gigantic
- Giving
- Gloomy
- Gorgeous
- Gracious
- Grand
- Grateful
- Green
- Grouchy
- Guilty
- Handsome
- Happy
- Hard-working
- Helpful
- Heroic
- Honest
- Honorable
- Hopeful
- Hostile
- Humane
- Humble
- Humorous
- Hysterical
- Idealistic
- Idolize
- Ignorant
- Ill Tempered
- Imaginative
- Impartial
- Impatient
- Impolite
- Improper
- Impudent
- Impulsive
- Indecent
- Independent
- Indifferent
- Indigenous
- Industrious
- Ingenuous
- Innocent
- Inquisitive
- Insightful
- Inspirational
- Instructive
- Insulting
- Intense
- Intelligent
- Intolerant
- Introvert
- Intuitive
- Inventive
- Investigative
- Irresponsible
- Jealous
- Jollu
- Jovial
- Joyful
- Jubilant
- Judgmental
- Just
- Juvenile
- Keen
- Kind
- Knowledgeable
- Lazy
- Leader
- Liberal
- Light
- Light-hearted
- Likeable
- Listener
- Lively
- Lovable
- Loving
- Loyal
- Magical
- Magnificent
- Malevolent
- Malicious
- Manipulative
- Materialistic
- Mature
- Meddling
- Melancholy
- Meritorious
- Merry
- Messy
- Meticulous
- Mischievous
- Miserable
- Modest
- Moral
- Motivated
- Mysterious
- Naïve
- Native
- Natural
- Neat
- Needy
- Nefarious
- Negative
- Neglected
- Neglectful
- Negligeny
- Nervous
- Nice
- Noble
- Noisy
- Notorious
- Obedient
- Observant
- Obnoxious
- Open-minded
- Opinionated
- Oppressive
- Orderly
- Organized
- Original
- Outgoing
- Outrageous
- Outspoken
- Parasitic
- Partial
- Passionate
- Passive
- Patient
- Patriotic
- Perceptive
- Perfectionist
- Personable
- Pitiful
- Plain
- Pleasant
- Pleasing
- Polite
- Poor
- Popular
- Powerful
- Pretenious
- Prideful
- Pretty
- Prim
- Proper
- Proud
- Punctual
- Purposeful
- Quaint
- Querrelsome
- Questioning
- Quick
- Quiet
- Quirky
- Radical
- Rational
- Realistic
- Reasonable
- Rebellious
- Reckless
- Refined
- Reflective
- Relaxed
- Reliable
- Reliant
- Religious
- Reluctant
- Remarkable
- Remorseful
- Repugnant
- Reserved
- Resilient
- Resourceful
- Respectful
- Responsible
- Reverent
- Rich
- Rigid
- Rude
- Ruthless
- Sad
- Sarcastic
- Scornful
- Self-confident
- Self-conscious
- Selfish
- Sensible
- Sensitive
- Sentimental
- Serious
- Sharing
- Short
- Shy
- Silly
- Simple
- Simple-minded
- Smart
- Sober
- Sour
- Special
- Stable
- Stern
- Strong
- Stubborn
- Studious
- Stunning
- Successful
- Sullen
- Superb
- Superior
- Surly
- Suspicious
- Sweet
- Sympathetic
- Tactful
- Tall
- Tantalizing
- Tenacious
- Tender
- Tense
- Testy
- Thoughtful
- Thoughtless
- Thrilling
- Timid
- Tireless
- Tolerant
- Tough
- Towering
- Toxic
- Treacherous
- Tricky
- Trusting
- Trustworthy
- Thruthful
- Ugly
- Uncivil
- Uncouth
- Understanding
- Undeveloped
- Unethical
- Unfair
- Unhappy
- Unique
- United
- Unlucky
- Unmannerly
- Unrefined
- Unsavory
- Unselfish
- Unworthy
- Uplifting
- Upright
- Upstanding
- Vain
- Valiant
- Veracious
- Versatile
- Vicious
- Vigilant
- Vigorous
- Vile
- Villanous
- Virtuous
- Visible
- Vivacious
- Vocal
- Volatile
- Volunteering
- Vulnerable
- Warm
- Wary
- Watchful
- Welcoming
- Wicked
- Wild
- Willing
- Wise
- Wishy-Washy
- Witty
- Woeful
- Wonderful
- Worrier
- Worthwhile
- Worthy
- Yearning
- Yielding
- Youthful
- Zany
- Zealot
- Zealous
- Zero-tolerant